MASTER XR platform users’ roles. Credit: Maria Madarieta, Virtualware

Outlining of the definition and requirements of MASTER’s common platform for XR content creation and technology development

The MASTER project is an EU-funded project under Horizon Europe programme, that focuses on utilizing extended realityExtended reality (XR) refers to real-and-virtual combined environment, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality

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Banner for the first joint webinar

First joint webinar “eXtended Reality Learning Community Meet Up”

MASTER XRExtended reality (XR) refers to real-and-virtual combined environment, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR)., together with XR2Learn and XR4ED, the two sister projects funded …

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Social media channels launched

Our social media channels were created in January and finally launched in March 2023. If you are interested in news from our partners from the eXtended RealityExtended reality (XR) refers …

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