Exploring the World of VR, AR, MR, and XR: A Journey into Extended Reality.

Welcome to the Future of Reality!

In an age where technology is constantly reshaping our lives, understanding the buzzwords flying around can be a bit overwhelming. But fear not! We have a series of captivating short videos designed to demystify the latest advancements in extended reality.

Let’s dive into the fascinating realms of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Extended Reality (XR).

Virtual Reality (VR): Stepping into Another World

Johan Kildal from our partner Tekniker who explains Virtual Reality.

Augmented Reality (AR): Enhancing Your World

Maria Madarieta from Virtualware explains Augmented Reality.

Mixed Reality (MR): The Best of Both Worlds

Johan Kildal from our partner Tekniker who explains Mixed Reality.

Extended Reality (XR): The Umbrella of Innovation

Johan Kildal from our partner Tekniker who explains Mixed Reality.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a professional looking to innovate, or simply curious about the future, these videos will give you a comprehensive understanding of how extended reality is shaping our world.